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Facebook & Adobe

Best ways to install a Facebook Like button Using the Facebook code generator and the .js scrip to the head section of a page, and the code in the body of the page. Facebook offers a variety of coding options. There are also plug-ins for WordPress which make it “easy” for the no-coder but hand coding…

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Where is web DESIGN heading?

With Windows 8/touch screens, iPads and cell phones becoming mainstream for web browsing, what should designers take into consideration when planning a new website layout? Start by understanding the user experience, and your potential viewer. What kind of content will the user be looking at? Will they be shopping, reading, viewing image galleries – and…


December 2012

Thoughts about the effects of color – How does color affects your target audience. (Know your audience!) There are many factors that contributes to how someone perceives color. Taking color choices into consideration when developing a web design/color sceme can contribute to succuss – or failure. Colors have different meaning in different cultures and religions, so…

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September 18, 2012

Social media and site promotion. Improving site visibility by using and updating social media such as Facebook, Twitter and others has become an almost required part of successful SEO. Methods for installing the buttons and links differ whether on static pages or CMS pages. See below for some interesting links on the how-and-why aspects. A…

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Designing for Retina Display

To take advantage of high-resolution displays on iPad, laptops and phones, images used on existing websites may need modification. Images designed for desktop screens can look blurred on Retina displays, and several options have to be considered. Present different images/photos based on media queries?  A higher resolution version can be shown, however consider possible download…


Multi-Media Display

Website design is no longer a “What You See Is What You Get” situation. What YOU see can differ considerably from what someone else sees. It’s very easy to be visually/mentally seduced into believing that your design is consistent across the web. However, with your pages being opened on anything from wide screen monitors, to small…

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Speed! How Long to Download a page?

With the ever increasing use of Content Management Systems, we need to consider how well do they perform when it comes to usability and download times. With the majority of the ‘page’ being constructed on-the-fly by multiple server requests, is it faster or slower than a standard HTML page? “Fast sites increase user satisfaction and…