
Backup and Restore WordPress

There are several ways to backup a WordPress installation. Plugins can do the work, and run backups automatically according to a set schedule. Backups can be saved locally, or in a cloud server. Multiple versions of backups need to be stored, just in case a site gets corrupted and a backup is made before it’s noticed. Schedule of backups depend on how often a site is updated – by adding content or by updating software.

Backup is only half the battle. But what is the process to restore or move a WordPress installation?

Files are located in 2 separate locations. The core WordPress files, and the uploads folder, plugins, themes, etc, are in the root of the server. The actual data is stored in a database, so a restore needs to move both these areas of content.

WordPress backups can be a “Database Only“, or a “Full Database” which also includes the database. Within a “Full” backup, specific files or folders can be excluded, making it possible to control the size of a backup.

To move an entire Website to another location or server, a Full backup is required. This also includes the database content.

Plugin options include:

  • BackupBuddy: Fee-based, ($80 yr/2 licenses, $100 yr/10 licenses) very popular and easiest to use
  • BackWPup: Free WordPress plugin, one of many available. Quite popular, n

Preparations to move a website using BackupBuddy:

When BackupBuddy is first installed and activated it requires a password to be entered. This password is required for any restore functions!

A new hosting location needs to be established, and a new database set up on the server. The database requires a ‘user’ with all privileges.

Before restoring have this info available:

  • The BackupBuddy password
  • The database name
  • The database user
  • The database password

Restoring/moving with BackupBuddy:

  • On the old site, in the BackupBuddy / Restore/Migrate page, download importbuddy.php
  • Download a backup zip folder of a Full backup
  • Upload importbuddy.php & the backup zip folder to the destination server directory where you want your site restored. Into the root or a sub-folder.
  • WordPress should not be installed prior to the restore. You should delete it if it already exists.
  • Full backups should be restored before restoring database only backups.
  • Navigate to the uploaded importbuddy.php URL in your web browser (ie http://your.com/importbuddy.php).
  • Follow the on-screen directions until the restore / migration is complete.

For screen shots of all the steps in BackupBuddy, open the PDF here.

Restoring with BackWPup:

  • Install WordPress to the server location you are restoring to
  • Install the BackWPup plugin
  • Access the zipped backup folder and upload into the ROOT folder on the server
  • Find the database SQL file in the zipped backup folder and copy that into the ROOT folder as well.
  • Go to the BackWPup plugin admin area, select TOOLS.   It should show your file saved like this:
    “SQL File to restore: /home/xxx/public_html/xxx_wrdp1.sql”
  • Click RESTORE.  Then delete the SQL file from the folder.
  • Open up cPanel, go to File Manager, and open the root folder.  Find your zipped backup and  EXTRACT it.
  • Delete your backup zip file from the PUBLIC_HTML folder

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